Nurturing Earth's Foundation: A Comprehensive Review of Soil Conservation Strategies, Challenges and Solutions
Depending on the country, many challenges affect the availability and quality of food, as well as their nutritional status. This is due to intensive agriculture and the exploitation of external inputs, which are degrading the soil, water, and genetic resources, thereby affecting agricultural performance. Soil conservation is an effective and environmentally friendly technique for promoting modern agriculture that helps in the production of food without hurting the environment. Some of the systematic measures used in soil conservation are contour cultivation, terrace cultivation, cover crops, crop rotation, agroforestry, and the like. However, the application of these strategies is not exempt from difficulties, although they are one of the most promising sustainable solutions. These challenges include technological difficulties, the adoption of conservation tillage practices, and long-term research priorities. This is an attempt to provide a brief overview of various strategies in the field of soil conservation, the multifaceted challenges that arise in these processes, and the methods employed to address these difficulties. In conclusion, we feel that the Ministry needs to organize training programs on adequate measures for soil conservation, as policy assistance concerning capacity building is crucial. Given the challenges identified, it may be effective to introduce the elements of soil conservation into the ministries, departments, or institutions concerned and encourage local stakeholders to participate in the process of solution acceptance and implementation.
agroforestry, challenges, contour, soil conservation
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